Samstag, 10. November 2012

Aston Martin DB5

 Das Objekt der Begierde: der Aston Martin DB5 von 1963, von James Bond in der Silver Birch Version gefahren - das wohl berühmteste und einfach schönste Film-Auto der Welt.

Zur seiner Zeit hat der Wagen 4.490,- £ gekostet, brauchte 7,1 Sekunden von 0 auf 100 und hatte eine Spitzengeschwindigkeit von 142 mph (ca. 228 kmh). Sicher wird das heute von vielen weniger exklusiven Autos getopt - aber das Design ist unübertroffen ^^

1 Kommentar:

Jinawi hat gesagt…

The Aston Martin DB5 is among the most famous Aston Martin car due to its work with by Mission impossible in Goldfinger (1964). Even though Ian Fleming had located Bond within a DB Draw III inside the novel, the DB5 was your company's hottest model if the film had been made. The corporation was initially hesitant, but had been finally certain to a item placement offer. The car found in the film was the first DB5 original, with one other standard car used for tricks. Two even more modified autos were created for publicity excursions after the film's release.